DEpendability and Security by Enhanced REConfigurability


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WP1 Horizontal Processes

In order to achieve the objectives of DESEREC, there are certain tasks to be performed, which spread across the whole project. These tasks are also strongly interrelated with each other and are therefore bundled in a single work package addressing "horizontal processes".

One part of these tasks is to ensure that the DESEREC approach addresses the requirements and needs of a representative user community. Consequently its objectives are:

  • the collection of user cases from different organisations,
  • User requirements concerning dependability, resilience and security
  • Description of the user's requirements in an analytical way
  • Collection of the basic information for the definition of the system architecture.


WP1 horizontal processes

WP2 Operational Planning

Deals with models of information systems, their intended behaviour (policies), and risks (foreseen faults and attacks also unforeseen failures)
Simulation and formal verification
Checks the expected behaviour of the system when configured in a specific way and it is subject to specific inputs and faults
To create the needed tools to manage information and scenarios needed to configure the target system and react to faults and attacks


WP2 Operational Planning

WP3 Deployment and hot reaction

  • Provides mechanisms to ensure the setup and deployment of an operational planning and its hot adaptation following the detection of abnormal events (incident, failure, misbehaviour) on the system
  • Defines and designs an efficient toolbox for the day-to-day management of complex system


WP3 Deployment and hot reaction

WP4 Fast cicatrisation

  • Provide the basic conceptual and technical tools for implementing incident detection and fast reaction.
  • Questions to be resolved:
    • How do we know an incident affecting a system's dependability is underway?
    • How do we detect it?
    • Once an incident has been detected, what can we do to avoid or minimize it?


WP4 Fast cicatrisation

WP5 Dissemination and Exploitation

  • Coordination of the collection of research and technical results coming out from the other work packages, and reaching the maximum number of potential end-users in the European ICT community in order to promote their widespread adoption
  • Organization of two DESEREC dissemination workshops and the submission of technical papers to international conferences and scientific journals
  • Preparation of training material for the user community.

Leaflet here:
DESEREC Leaflet [DOC][9.4MB]
DESEREC Leaflet [ZIP][2.6MB]

PowerPoint presentation:
DESEREC Overview [PPT][7.4MB]
DESEREC Overview [ZIP][6.9MB]

WP6 Training

  • Professional Training to staff involved in the project development, implementing the demonstrations, and potential users of the tools and methodologies from outside the consortium
  • Training workshops foreseen during the project duration:
    • Workshop on "The Concepts and Requirements for Increasing Dependability and Security of Information Systems"
    • Workshop on "The Mechanisms used for Increasing Dependability through Enhanced Reconfiguration"
    • Workshop on "The Results and Applications of DESEREC"

1st DESEREC Training Workshop


The DESEREC project (Dependable Security by Enhanced Reconfigurability) is organising the training workshop "Architecture, Modelling and Tools for Increasing Dependability and Security of Information Systems".
The workshop will take place in Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland.

Leaflet here:1 st training workshop leaflet[PDF][43MB]

More information: 1st workshop/

WP8 Integration, Validation and Demonstration

  • Design of a test and validation model for the general architecture reflecting the combinations of solutions proposed in DESEREC
  • The coordination of the integration of contributions from other work packages in this model
  • Validation of the solutions with verification tools and expert tests
  • Design, development and calibration of test and validation systems
  • Demonstration of the DESEREC results to the user community.


WP8 Integration, Validation and Demonstration