DEpendability and Security by Enhanced REConfigurability




Company Profile

The Thales Architecture Framework (TAF) is an horizontal entity across the Thales Group (60,000 people - over €10 bn revenues) , in charge of devising common architectures/frameworks. The TAI laboratory involved in Deserec, feeds TAF with the mid-term technology:
  • develop/evaluate software components for Security, Wireless/ad hoc networks, Multimedia.
  • design/implement the candidate architecture for mission-critical networked systems and applications, Resilience and availability, Security, Deployment and reconfiguration

Contact Information

André Cotton : E-Mail

Involvement in Deserec

Thales is the DESEREC leader, coordinating the project and also providing expertise and tools in the following areas:
  • Overall architecture
  • Planned and hot reconfiguration; policies for reconfiguration
  • Apply data analysis technology to incident early detection and isolation scope
  • Overall reconfiguration concepts; I.S. Modelling
  • Detection of complex intrusion scheme

Company exploitation plan

Exploitation and dissemination plan will include:
  • Improve expertise in managing the resilience of services within large and complex information systems
  • Distribution of DESEREC key advantages within Thales group
  • Improve the design of future I.S. solutions
  • Improve the monitoring and control of future I.S. solutions